Animation 1: Wallace and Gromit
This animation was created using the stop-motion technique which basically consists of a camera being repeatedly stopped and started to give the animated figures the impression of movement. Since all the characters in Wallace and Gromit are made out of plasticine they are endlessly pose able which means there are no limitations to the imagination which can be introduced into this animation. The downsides to this animation technique is that it's very slow and time consumable which can be irritating when you don't get the results which you are trying to achieve, and this can cause you to have to start all over again. Projects like this can take as much as 2 months just to get 1 episode; roughly about 20-30 minutes of footage. Stop motion is made with pictures which means there's no sound, so you'll have to add the sound yourself for example voice overs when the characters are trying to communicate with each other which only adds to the production time.
Animation 2: 3 Little Pigs
Above is an example of a cut-out animation and is a unique technique for producing animations using flat characters, props and backgrounds cut from materials such as paper, card, stiff fabric, or even photographs. This is a good animation technique to use because it's simple and easy to make a interesting short video as long as you have a good imagination, as for the video I believe it was well made and it shows how creative short videos like this can get with just a simple idea. The downside of this technique is that you can get several paper cuts.
Animation 3: Brain Divided
Brain divided is a short CGI animated film, with the CGI animation you can create some fantastic effects which are less costly than doing them yourself physically. You're able to imitate people in real life into a CGI animation with pin point perfection. A major let down within this animation is the fact that it is very complicated and needs loads of practise because of the style the animation is made.
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